With the new year came a new format for our book club meetings—what did you think? Jennifer and I had a lot of fun getting together at her house  to discuss Michelle Obama’s book Becoming. We are so grateful...
When I was a girl, we spent countless hours playing outside. My mom's favorite thing to say was, "If you're not bleeding then you better not come back inside!"  {The 80's were fun, weren't they?!} Anway, one of our...
My sister told me that on her first day working at a summer camp she encountered a little boy who was enjoying his midday snack of a chocolate pudding cup. As all 5 year olds do, he ended up...
Becoming, former FLOTUS Michelle Obama's much anticipated memoir, released into the world in November 2018 and unsurprisingly soared to the top of the best seller charts. Many of my friends found their own copies wrapped under the tree this...
Today's topic covers what we think are the worst days ever. Our guest, HMB Contributor and author of The Monsters Club, Britany Brownlee discusses her blog post :: Hindsight :: The Importance of Scattered Legos and Coffee Dates. In...
  Today our topic is Conscious Discipline. Emily Feinstein, our podcast host and HMB Contributor, speaks with Randi Rubenstein, author of The Parent Gap, about appropriate ways to discipline that leaves parents and children happy. She has shared her methods...
Today our topic is the purity culture. HMB's Managing Editor, Elizabeth Baker, joins co-owner Meagan Clanahan discussing one of her most popular posts entitled :: "Why I Won’t Raise My Children in the Purity Culture That Raised Me." Elizabeth...
In the age of social media, we have access to unlimited influencers and brands. Depending on how much time we spend online and who we follow, our perception of reality is greatly shaped by the pictures we see, the...
A recent Buzzfeed article caught our Houston Mom's Blog community's attention. The author, Laura Turner, makes the case that while Rachel Hollis, a wildly popular social media influencer, author, and lecturer, connects women, and specifically mothers, on some timely...
And just like that, our THIRD book club meeting has come and gone! Thank you to everyone who joined us and for those of you who came back and watched later--it's not too late! The link to view the...



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