Summertime in our house means long days playing inside and out, swimming, playdates, and lots of hanging around the house.  For my kids, all that down time at the house equals running in and out of the back door,...
I remember exactly how many pages my mother got through before pausing to lick the very tip of her right index finger. An almost formidable act, followed immediately by a quick turn of the page and continuation of the...
My smart phone is on my body at all times. I honestly cannot imagine having to function without it. {Que the "First World Problems" response.} Yet, I've found that there are a few great apps you can't live without....
As a mom of a toddler, I often find completely random things in my hair. Food, amoxicillin, milk, and the occasional booger have made their way into what was once an untampered head of hair. It's gross, but sometimes it's part of...
Moving soon?  Wanting to save money? If so, this is a must read for you all. Whether you are moving, have a friend moving, or might move in the future, we can all acknowledge that moving, in any capacity, is...
Recently I took a much needed break from Facebook. Facebook breaks are not unfamiliar to me, but my prior breaks from Facebook were certainly less complicated. I took a long break 12 years ago while I studied for the...
  Today our topic is Conscious Discipline. Emily Feinstein, our podcast host and HMB Contributor, speaks with Randi Rubenstein, author of The Parent Gap, about appropriate ways to discipline that leaves parents and children happy. She has shared her methods...
No disrespect to Gary Chapman, but he left off the sixth love language: books. I’m not sure where exactly the addiction started. Perhaps it was spending hours with my electronic Mother Goose memorizing fairy tales, or devouring every word ever...
Every family is different and whatever is right for you, is the right thing. That said, if limiting screen time has become a daily battle in your household, can I make one suggestion? Give in. I don’t limit my {young} children's...
Instagram, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... You're always there for me when I need you especially during midnight feedings and bathroom breaks, and you are definitely an app I can't live without! You allow me to escape reality...



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