
Read about motherhood from Houston Moms Blog!

As moms, our minds go about a million miles an hour all day every day. We move from one task to another, because that is what we do. We are the keeper of the things, and the maker of...
Nine days before going back to work following the birth of my first son, I pulled an all stop and completely changed our childcare plans for my infant son. Those of you who live in large metropolitan cities like...
All About Me :: I am a...follower of Jesus, wife, mommy, daughter, sister, friend, blog stalker, lover of crafts, and native Houstonian. I wish my life looked like a Pinterest board.  I have a major sweet tooth. I could eat...
Whether it be a fun package in the mail from a friend, an unexpected Christmas present, the winner of The Bachelor, or heck - a positive pregnancy test when your baby is only 8 months old, I love a...
Two years ago, I had the incredible opportunity to attend the BlogHer Conference in San Jose, California. I was really excited to go to that conference to meet some of my favorite bloggers in person, attend writing workshops, and...
Andrea, one of Houston Moms Blog's newest contributors, shares a little bit about herself.
Whenever someone finds out I have sextuplets, a general series of questions soon follows.  Anything from how many boys vs. girls to what vehicle I drive to how they were conceived can come up.  One of the FAQ is...
Ever since I returned to work from maternity leave with Skeeter, the comments started. "When are you having another?"  I actually don't mind innocent questions - the ones from dear friends or family or from those who don't know...
Recently Chelsea wrote a funny post about the man-flu. And even though as moms we don't get official sick days, we still have those days {or weeks!} where we are barely getting by but have no break from responsibility....
We are super excited to announce our very own advice column...SOS Becky! Think Dear Abby, but specifically geared for you lovely readers of Houston Moms Blog! We all need help. This is why so many of us love the write in section of...



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