
Read about motherhood from Houston Moms Blog!

No parent ever wants to have a baby in the NICU.  As a NICU mom, I wouldn't wish that experience upon my worst enemy.  Ever since we left the NICU almost four years ago, I've had friends {and even...
So we all know the "big" milestones, right? The ones that you put in your baby book {clearly, first kid only, amiright?}, post a status on Facebook about, and take pictures of..."He took his first step" "First lost tooth!"...
We do a lot as moms, or should I say - we do A LOT as moms. And no matter how organized or scheduled we are, life is not easy...and it can and will become just little bit overwhelming...
I used to have this vision of myself in my Gap khakis and loafers speeding up to the kid pick up line with the sunroof open on the Mini blasting Snoop Dogg.  And greet the teachers while wearing a...
Dear First Time Momma, You're just days away from giving birth to your first child. I'm sure you've been told before that it will be a wonderful, magical experience - and that's true. Nothing in the world compares to the...
It is easier to say "My tooth is aching," than to say "My heart is broken." – C. S. Lewis, The Problem with Pain Fifth grade can be rough. And while there is a pretty significant spotlight on the "Mean...
Let's start with a universal truth :: PEOPLE SAY DUMB THINGS. We all know it. Especially as moms. We have all received the comments that made our jaw drop, or stirred up our angry mama bear, or made us...
“Life is an adventure, and there is no script. I see something in ordinary moments. I believe that perfection comes not when you are dressed perfectly and wearing lipstick – but in little moments and interactions that make up...
I am a mom and an antique dealer, so it is not surprising that we have old furniture in our house. I adore the antique pieces I have collected while living in Norway, France, and England. With over 20...
Your life is made up of tiny little everyday moments. The chores, the precious daily naps, the waffles that have to be made juuuust right every morning. As moms, we often go through our days on auto pilot, not...



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