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Heather's Story Growing up, I always dreamed of being a mom.  I rocked my baby dolls, played 'house,' and even diapered my brothers countless occasions.  In the middle of 2011, I started to get the itch to have a baby...and...
A Baby in our Bed When our little boy was born, I wasn't sure how I was going to handle sleeping arrangements in our house, and somehow I ended up sleeping in the living room on the couch while the...
I love taking pictures.  When I was pregnant we went out and bought a nice point and shoot camera. And then after Addy was born, I made the investment {time and money} to get a DSLR and learn how...
I'm a mere 48 hours {at most} away from welcoming my second baby into this world. So of course, for the past 48 hours all I've been doing is staring at my first born - my beautiful, smart, amazing...
We are going to mix things up a little today, Houston mamas. Not only does today's post include my handsome hubby, but it is also not a post to read...instead you get to watch! That's right, I somehow twisted...
Michelle's Story I'm already tearing up over here, and I just started writing...isn't that sad? I guess because it is so close to my little guy's 1st birthday, I am feeling the overwhelming sense of -"Where did my baby go?"...
Let me set the scene for you. I just found out I was pregnant for the second time. Eden {my oldest} was 4 turning 5, and it hit me like a wall of bricks... How am I going to...
In light of a recent tragedy that happened in my neighborhood this week, I discarded my previously scheduled post about unnecessary baby products {first world problems} to give us all a reminder today to take the time to slow down, be present in...
If you were to ask me what I remember about middle school {Johnston Middle School represent!!!}, I would probably tell you the following :: sheer terror first day of 6th grade acne {although I hate it just as much in my...
Jessica's Story I'm having a really hard time with this one, y'all.  I don't know story is pretty much rainbows and sunshine, but I think it's the idea of becoming a mother in one big moment that just seems...



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