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As a child of the 80s, I feel certain that February in my elementary school was more than Valentine's Day and hearts, but I cannot recall with any certainty the presence of Black History month as a curriculum focal...
My sister told me that on her first day working at a summer camp she encountered a little boy who was enjoying his midday snack of a chocolate pudding cup. As all 5 year olds do, he ended up...
The term “emotional labor” was created by sociologist Anne Hochschild in 1983 to describe the emotional work that is involved in certain professions, like therapists, pilots, customer service workers, and others whose jobs require them to manage or absorb...
Six years ago, I gave my heart away. The tall, bright eyed drink of water with whom I fell in love was a package deal, with kids in tow, much like myself.  We brought together my two kids and his...
“Mama, what color are your eyes?” It seems obvious. But I'll play along.  If I had to say a specific color, I’d say it’s a toss up between “puppy poop” brown and “the crunchiest part of the roach” light-brown. Unless I’m...
If you knew me before kids {or even saw me without my kids}, you would probably never believe that I would be a good “girl mom” and I would totally get it. While I like make-up and clothes, I...
  They are referred to as the G3, the boys, and the Vikingos {yes, my mom named them the Vikings in Spanish}. I am the mother to THREE boys, ages 11, 9 and 7. Hear me roar y'all, hear me roar! The...
Today is my middle son's 11th birthday. He is my "boys' boy." He's tall, strong, and sporty. Give him any kind of ball and he will intuitively know what to do with it. He has sports stats memorized from...
Motherhood is not for the weak of stomach. I'm sitting here staring at my pint-sized human being as she is shoveling frosted cheerios into her mouth. Her face is sticky from the yogurt smoothie she chugged a few seconds...
Becoming, former FLOTUS Michelle Obama's much anticipated memoir, released into the world in November 2018 and unsurprisingly soared to the top of the best seller charts. Many of my friends found their own copies wrapped under the tree this...



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