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Now, I don't like to brag or anything, but after we took the childbirth class at the hospital, before we had our first kid, I was an EXPERT on breastfeeding. I was a little miffed that they didn't hand...
A few months ago, I was saying goodnight to my five-year-old son, and I started caressing his face as I sometimes do. He closed his eyes and kept a blissful smile on his face, and all of the sudden...
I still remember the day I first saw you. You were sprawled out and sleeping on your litter mates with your big, round belly showing. You immediately caught my attention. I had no intention, however, of taking you home...
December was the month that I left my thirties and entered my forties.  FORTY.  It's a number that has been hanging over my head for the last few years.  I've dreaded it, fretted about it, and thought about it...
2018 is almost over, y'all! Where did the year go? Time flies when you're having fun! And we sure have had fun with you this year. From celebrating new and expectant mamas at our annual Bloom event, a play...
Today's topic covers what we think are the worst days ever. Our guest, HMB Contributor and author of The Monsters Club, Britany Brownlee discusses her blog post :: Hindsight :: The Importance of Scattered Legos and Coffee Dates. In...
  Today our topic is Conscious Discipline. Emily Feinstein, our podcast host and HMB Contributor, speaks with Randi Rubenstein, author of The Parent Gap, about appropriate ways to discipline that leaves parents and children happy. She has shared her methods...
Looking for Work-Life Balance? Watch TV with Your Kids…occasionally, after active play, within age-appropriate screen time limits, of course.  There are so many things to feel guilty about as a mom, especially if you have other responsibilities fighting for your...
Today our topic is the purity culture. HMB's Managing Editor, Elizabeth Baker, joins co-owner Meagan Clanahan discussing one of her most popular posts entitled :: "Why I Won’t Raise My Children in the Purity Culture That Raised Me." Elizabeth...
In the age of social media, we have access to unlimited influencers and brands. Depending on how much time we spend online and who we follow, our perception of reality is greatly shaped by the pictures we see, the...



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