
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

A recent Buzzfeed article caught our Houston Mom's Blog community's attention. The author, Laura Turner, makes the case that while Rachel Hollis, a wildly popular social media influencer, author, and lecturer, connects women, and specifically mothers, on some timely...
Today our topic is infertility. It's something that moms don't normally talk about, but is something that many of us go through! Meagan Clanahan, our co-owner, and Emily Feinstein are talking about their unique journeys to becoming moms. We...
I almost gave a total stranger a hug yesterday. At a Houston neighborhood park, I met a stay-at-home mom that I’ll never forget, a mom who could have used a hug. She had frizzy brown hair in a bulbous bun atop...
I sometimes imagine myself in a Christmas support group, sitting in a circle as everyone introduces themselves. There would be the Scrooges, the premature Christmas music players, the Hallmark Movie bingers, etc. Then it would be my turn:: Hi, my...
The road to adoption and foster care is paved with many players. Traveling the road solo is just not an option. Along the way, you meet strangers who become lifelines. Caseworkers, judges, advocates, bio families, foster parents—we all have...
In honor of National Adoption Month, Houston-based foster mother, Amber, shares her experience in her journey to adopt.  Describe your family before considering becoming a foster parent. What led you to consider being a foster parent? I have always loved children...
There are many nights, especially when I feel like I've spent the entire day in the car acting as chauffeur, that dinner is just not easy for me. Sure, I feel like Super Mom when I have my act...
Holidays. I LOVE the holidays. I ENJOY spending time with family. I look FORWARD to finding that perfect gift. I am EXCITED to participate in all the fun holiday festivities. In fact this year my daughter’s 4th birthday kicks...
One Sunday a month, Houston Moms Blog will be spotlighting a local non-profit that is meaningful to one or more of our contributors. This month, Montoya writes about The Terry Foundation.  It’s been 15 years since I graduated from high...
Twenty-one years into this journey called motherhood and I still sometimes feel like I'm on the remedial track. When there are triumphs - it's easy to know that you are doing it right. But there will always be those...



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