
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

When I get on Facebook, boobs flood my newsfeed. And for those wondering, no I haven’t been targeted because of some bad porn habit. I am a photographer, and boobs are very en vogue in my industry at the moment.  Most...
Dear Preschool, Montessori School, Elementary, Junior High, High School, Classical Model, University Model, Homeschool, and ALL THE SCHOOLS IN ALL THE PLACES... Can we be friends again? Like the best of friends? You know the ones, the ones that talk...
Before having a child, I judged other parents. {Admit it, you did too.} From the woman in the supermarket with her crying, screaming children to the families at a restaurant letting their toddler watch an entire movie while drinking...
Well, HELLO to July in Houston. There's no doubt you've made your presence known, as my electricity bill can fully attest. We hope all of you are enjoying some downtime with your fam bams, perhaps some vacations, rainy movie...
Dear Kate, Congratulations on the arrival of your newest little prince! I know you {and the rest of the world} are so happy he's finally here! So tell me, how did precious little Charlotte react to the news that she...
Solitude matters, and for some people, it's the air they breathe. - Susan Cain Personality typing is currently a popular topic of discussion, and the most basic categories we sort humans into are Introverts and Extroverts. There is quite a...
I've been on solo parenting duty for the past week, and still have a week to go. Already, I've handled a whole lot of situations. My 8-year-old, up way past her bedtime:: "Mommy, what exactly is sex, anyway?" And...
Dear Exclusively Pumping Mama, I see you over there. Yep…you. The one attached to that medieval torture device breast pump for hours on end every day just trying to provide nourishment for your sweet baby. The one who lives and...
Hardworking. Ambitious. Resilient.  These were the words I am proud to call myself. They have a much different meaning these days than they did when I was in my twenties, prior to becoming a mom. These words evolved even more...
  Last month, my dog, Zoe, died. She was 14 years old. I adopted her when she was 5. She has been a part of my life for almost all of my adult years. Though my husband and I were...



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