
Read about parenting from Houston Moms Blog!

I never wanted kids, not really anyway. I mean, in my whole life I maybe held 2 children? I certainly never did babysitting for a side job. I really just never thought I would be a mom. I was...
As a household with two working parents, our parent/child time is limited. We're out the door before 7 a.m. and home around 5 p.m. -- just in time to cook dinner, eat, bathe, and get ready for bedtime. If...
It's that time of year when most neighborhood swim teams are kicking off registration, and if this is not a world you have been in or know anything about, the decision to sign your kiddo up can be a...
It was a typical Texas June afternoon. The sun was shimmering through the windows, and the air in our house was heavy with anticipation. I was helping my daughter get ready for her first date. I helped her pick...
Holidays. I LOVE the holidays. I ENJOY spending time with family. I look FORWARD to finding that perfect gift. I am EXCITED to participate in all the fun holiday festivities. In fact this year my daughter’s 4th birthday kicks...
My little boy has a more sophisticated palate at 3 than I did at 20. He asks for Gouda or Mango cheese {Manchego}, and his little hipster side loves bubble tea {don’t worry, we watch to make sure he...
I feel like coruna is getting out of hand because everyone is getting everything off the shelfs. Nobody can travel but what if you live in america and your in African visiting your traped and you can't see your...
With the Thanksgiving holiday around the corner, I put together a few crafts to get me into the holiday spirit. I know, a lot of people have started putting out Christmas decorations already and have moved straight on to...
The "Yes Day" movie popped up on my Netflix profile a few weeks ago, and after hovering on the picture for a beat, the trailer started abruptly. As I scrambled for the remote to turn down the volume, I...
Life is ever-changing. When Houston moms face a huge change like relocating, the process can feel insanely exhausting, overwhelming and beyond stressful. Whether you're excitedly moving into your dream home, are going through a divorce or doing renovations to your...



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