Well kids, I'm continuing from my last story telling you how your dad and I met. It seems that, after reading that post, a lot of people were urging me to tell you the story of how your dad...
First of all, let me preface this post by reminding everyone that I am no expert and this is just for fun. I was inspired to write this piece from my own experience and hope that you all will...
Kids, this is the story of how I met your father {HIMYF for short}. This story is legen...wait-for-it...DARY. I took my seat at the round table in our Voice and Diction classroom that was adjacent to the small black box...
Dear Amelia, In a few short months, I will have known your father for 10 whole years! Back then I was an ambitious 20 year old college student, visiting your grandparents in Virginia for the summer. Your dad was a...
Okay, Kara. Have a seat. I'm going to tell you a little story of how I met your father. And hold that baby doll; pretend it's your new baby brother or sister! I know. You're enthused {sarcasm}. But the story...
I love myself a date night just as much as the next person, but the cost of a babysitter + drinks + dinner only really allows me one night out with my husband/friends a month. So John and I...
We all witnessed Princess Kate walk out of the hospital {in heels} just hours after giving birth looking like perfection.  I heard a lot of women trying to make themselves feel better by making excuses as to why she...
As moms we are quick to learn that there are no sick days in parenting.  Excuse me, there are no sick days in motherhood.  Gone are the days of laying in bed with your cold medicine in one hand...
As a mom, my children are my life.  And as a work from home mom, I am quite literally with them from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep each.and.every.day.  Aside from those few hours...
Those of you that know me, know that I am NOT a thrill seeker.  I prefer to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground, and I have very real fears of heights and falling and basically anything that...



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