Happy New Year Houston! 2025 is finally here and with it an opportunity for new beginnings, fresh starts, and yes, resolutions! Have you kept your resolution from last year? Do you remember your resolution from last year? If you’re like most people, you had vowed to lose weight or be healthier. Or perhaps 2024 was all about saving money. I’ve made those same resolutions in years past with mixed results. In 2014 I almost Made the Cut with Jillian Michaels. In 2020, COVID gave a big middle finger to my goal of going back to work. And though last January I finally conquered the Whole 30, my goal of getting my kids to eat with utensils is only half complete (he’s 5… one day he’ll eat spaghetti with a fork instead of strand by strand with his fingers, right?).
In 2025 I’m going big! I’ve dreamed of starting my own business for years. I’ve gone to culinary school, taken business courses, and written at least 3 business plans for different ideas. But this is the year I’m finally taking action, with the goal of getting my sourdough bread bakery up and running. If any of you out there are thinking about starting your own cottage bakery, watch this space. I plan to share all the how to’s and lessons learned in the coming months, but for now, just this – don’t start a new business over the holidays. You don’t have time!
The brilliant women at Houston Moms have also shared their plans for the coming year…
To survive this postpartum year with 4 kids. – Becca Slocum
I always choose a “word of the year” instead of resolutions. My word for 2025 is going to be health, and I want to focus on healthy habits like exercising, eating better, drinking less, but also healthy boundaries in relationships and work etc. – Briana Grosvenor
Rediscover my love for cooking. – Michelle Meinholz
To let my core values lead in all I do (look for a post on this!) anddddd to build in more time for joy, rest and fun! Oh andddd to keep commitments to ME. I’m already great at keeping them for everyone else – Jessica Faye
I don’t have a resolution but my word of the year for 2025 is MORE! – Bethany Dufilho
I’m not really a resolution person but I’d like to be more organized. Not like containers in my fridge, but more like not double booking appointments or forgetting to pick up my kids. JK, I don’t forget my kids, but sometimes I forget it’s my carpool day and make plans and then I’m disappointed when I remember. – Kristen Larsen
In 2025, I’m going to make my health, both physical and mental, a priority. I’ll turn 45 this year and there are some things I need to do to get the train back on the track. I often prioritize the health of those around me, while neglecting mine, and I’ve felt it. Time to bring back me. Also, more books that nourish my brain, even if it’s just in allowing it to escape for a few hours. – Meagan Clanahan
My intentions for 2025- ACTIVATE (be more active- physically and in action toward career goals), MOTIVATE (find motivation to be active but also to follow through with my goals) and CELEBRATE. I turn 40 in 2025 and I want to savor the memory of this first forty, honor who I am in this pivotal year, and celebrate the heck out of what’s ahead. – Mary Barnes
My resolution for 2025 is to refill my container. As I continue to pour into other activities, people, hobbies, and ways of living, I will refill my container along the way before it starts to get empty or is completely empty. Thus, I hope to feel less stress, resentment, and feelings of being overwhelmed because there will constantly be more to give. – Tiffany Brown
More singing and dancing! – Monica Bell {I’m with you Monica!}
What are your goals or resolutions for 2025? Drop a comment and let us know so we can cheer you on! And if you’re still searching for just the right thing, I highly recommend you join my son on his quest to “eat more chocolate.”