Ahhh, a beach holiday, even just to Galveston, is just the thing to put me in a summer vacay kind of mood. It was possibly the least stressful trip we’ve taken as a family so far and I don’t...
Dear School Administration,  My child is special.  I mean, really special. She is a neat kid. She is sweet and sassy, independent and curious, and will be an amazing adult, if I continue to do my job right.  She is really special.  But,...
My daughter is a storm that greets you at midnight. Grand in its entrance. Waking you just enough to lose your dream. Then unleashing fury when you attempt to ignore its presence. Magnificent, but alarming. A sight to behold.  My...
August! It's officially time for you to start transitioning from the relaxation of summer to the routines and schedules we know and love. That's right :: It's back-to-school time. And while we have you covered with our Ultimate Back...
Summer survival with kids is difficult, but we've got a secret solution that just might make these long days a little easier {and fun!} Don't you hate it when you start June full of good intentions and energy, but suddenly...
Do your kids light up when playing Roblox or Minecraft? Do they marvel at the idea of building robots or flying drones? Kids are becoming expert users of technology at younger and younger ages. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if...
Giftedness in a child isn't always obvious, and sometimes can only be discovered through surviving many storms. I have my own little tornado. He sweeps through hallways, devours the world. He calls me Mom. Packed with energy, and completely oblivious to the...
I have always loved foreign travel. My first flight, when I was five, was with my mother and brothers, from South Africa to Holland.  Back in the '80s, there were no rules about seatbelt signs, and people lit up...
With the Stuck On You personalised Name Stamp Pack, you will also have an all-in-one solution for getting the kids names on everything.
Hey there SUMMER! School is out for many families across our area, and with that comes the inevitable worry about what to do with your kids. For some of you, a summer camp or VBS reprieve is coming! For...



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