Mommas of girls - if you do not have hair bows from Mommy Knows Bows, then you are missing out!  Mommy Knows Bows is a homegrown company in the Clear Lake area.  Their creator Samantha is a mom to...
I am a mom and an antique dealer, so it is not surprising that we have old furniture in our house. I adore the antique pieces I have collected while living in Norway, France, and England. With over 20...
A week ago, I kissed my just-turned three year old and gently nudged him into a warm, welcoming classroom for his first day of preschool. His teachers greeted us enthusiastically, with a promise of a great day ahead. After...
We live in such a cool city. There are SO many things to do. I finally had to just say enough and stop adding to this list. Personally, I have a whole new wave of excitement for experiencing my...
Whether it's 6, 7, 8, or 9 o'clock {or even later for the night owls}, there comes that moment of the day when, although the darkness starts to roll in, you, as mom, see the light. The little ones...
Contributor, Jennifer H, recently took a tour at Préscolaire The Woodlands and is sharing how cool that preschool is to encourage others to take tours.
Let us all agree that feeding babies is hard. It takes a lot of time, energy, and planning no matter how you do it. I am on the tail end of breastfeeding my second baby, and while I intentionally...
Toddlers certainly struggle with separation anxiety, but what about moms?  As a young first time soon-to-be mother, pregnancy was the best time of my life. Being one with my baby, I felt every kick, every punch, and every hiccup. I...
I'm a mere 48 hours {at most} away from welcoming my second baby into this world. So of course, for the past 48 hours all I've been doing is staring at my first born - my beautiful, smart, amazing...
Shortly after my mom died, I found myself in a bookstore on the self help aisle looking for answers.  It was there I first saw the word "motherless."  I remember it stinging.  I remember feeling a little bit of...



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