It's no secret that we don't have to wait for spring here in Texas to break out the chalk. If your crew is anything like mine, you've spent the last few months outside. We've had quite the mild winter,...
Hearing the word “tonsillectomy” come from your doctor’s mouth is never a good thing. Maybe it’s just the season, but it seems like many of our school friends are now preparing for this common surgery. As a parent, I...
Let me preface this article by letting you all know that this is all in good fun. I was there not too long ago and said all of these things {and more!}. So lean back, rest your body in...
No parent ever wants to have a baby in the NICU.  As a NICU mom, I wouldn't wish that experience upon my worst enemy.  Ever since we left the NICU almost four years ago, I've had friends {and even...
With every advance, technology has a ‘wow’ factor wooing us into its world, and sometimes away from what matters most. When locked into the screen of our cell phone, we tend to neglect the people and experiences at hand....
When I get on Facebook, boobs flood my newsfeed. And for those wondering, no I haven’t been targeted because of some bad porn habit. I am a photographer, and boobs are very en vogue in my industry at the moment.  Most...
Have you ever tried getting out of the house with a toddler? It's like herding a cat. Am I right? Gone are the days of grabbing the diaper bag, scooping up the little one, and walking out the door....
You've thrown the first birthday party. In fact, you've thrown a few since.  You've done the table full of aptly named party foods that coincide with the theme. You've done games straight off of Pinterest. You've had the house so organized by party day that you...
Houston Moms Blog is thrilled to announce our first ever Spring EGGstravaganza! This new event will not only be an afternoon of outdoor family fun, but will also include four egg hunts grouped by ages. Brought to you by our Co-Title Sponsor...
My sister and I like to joke that maybe we will sleep again when we are 50.  It doesn’t seem likely.  I used to sleep so deeply that nothing could wake me.  I would have full conversations with my...



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