Happy Earth Day! Each year April 22nd gives us the opportunity to dig a little deeper {sometimes literally} and think about what we can do to keep our planet beautiful, bountiful, and special for those we will leave it...
There I was standing in the middle of the card aisle at Target with blueberries scattered all around me and a frantic, screaming 1 year old.  A sweet lady on the same aisle quickly ushered her young girls to...
I dread swimsuit season. However, I am completely fine with my appearance. It’s my daughter I worry about. Every summer without fail, someone comments about her body. And she's only five. The first time this happened, we were at a resort...
If you came here looking for answers on taming the three year old, well, I'm sorry to disappoint, my friends. I don't have a step-by-step guide to figuring out these little wildlings {shout out to my Game of Thrones...
Houston Moms Blog, in partnership with our parent site City Moms Blog Network, is thrilled to announce Bloom :: An Event for New & Expecting Moms!  Title sponsored by Concierge Pediatrics of Houston, this special event is being held on Thursday, April...
Something happens when you become a blogger. Your mind starts thinking in blog posts. Ideas flow in and out, clever titles wake you at 3 am {or was that the crying baby?}, and you are constantly trying to gauge...
A few short days ago, my sweet little boy hit a MAJOR milestone - he turned five years old.  {Pardon me while I dab the corner of my eyes for a bit.}  I know for those of you who are...
Please Note :: Our first ever Spring EGGstravaganza was sponsored by an amazing group of community partners - without which, this event would certainly not have been possible. We cannot say enough how thankful we are that The Village School welcomed us...
You've probably seen the social media posts from friends who frequent the local library. From story time to cute craft projects with the kids, I've always known the library is fun for families. But, for one reason or another,...
Sitting here holding my boy while he rests on top of me I soak in his smell, stare at his fingers and toes, feel his breath press into my chest, and observe the details of his beautiful skin. My children...



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