When my husband and I were stuck deep in the mire of infertility, I encountered some commentary that surprised me. Surprised me with how much they could hurt, like daggers to my already tender heart. No doubt that the...
At 20 years old, I was sitting in the parking lot known as I-45 during rush hour and thought to myself, “I can't WAIT until I graduate, have an awesome job, and can afford to live in the city!”...
Y'all. I'm not sure if you've realized but it is HOT here in Houston. And I don't know about you, but my kiddos have been out of school for a good month. Which means there has been a whole...
I don't know about you, but when I hear the term "volunteer" I think of those selfless individuals who are handing out magazines on the floor of MD Anderson or those holding babies in the NICU. I tend to...
As so many of you, I am struggling to keep things new and exciting for my kids these days. Not that I'm looking to add cruise director to my growing list of job titles these days, but it's always...
The past two school years have proven to be extra challenging for some students. The classroom changes and distractions brought forth in 2020, many parents are noticing their kids have fallen a bit behind.  My kids were homeschooled last year,...
Gone for now are the gatherings at the playground and in each other’s home. No more school for big kids or preschool for the littles. In their place are online classrooms and virtual playdates. And both of those have...
Popsicles are 100% a food group in this house.  When the girls were Owen's age, I realized that homemade popsicles were basically the same as homemade baby food, and I dove right in.  Batch for the fridge, batch for...
"Am I enough?" "Am I doing this 'mom-thing' right?" "Do they know how much they are loved?" I try not to let the constant refrains play in my head, but late at night, when I've finally settled down and all I'm left...
Hey guys! I’m sorry, so sorry ... I know I need 1,000 updates on my car, but right now just do NECESSARY SERVICE. Also, M puked in there this morning. I aired it out best I could, but true...



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