It was summer when I really noticed it. The crushing sequestration of living our new normal seemingly in secret. That’s the crazy thing about our world being hopelessly infiltrated by technology. Did you know that as many as 50...
As I delve further into my thirties, I've come to realize there is so much to love and appreciate about this decade in my life. So much of my 20s was spent on who I wanted to be or who...
What do you know about the Coronavirus? There’s a "birus" going on. It can get ugly. Some people get sick because they get close to someone who is sick. I don’t want to get sick. Because of the virus what have...
Contributor Emily reflects on her family's first year living abroad in France- the culture, language and parenting style of the French people.
Let me start by saying that I am fully aware that I am about to ostracize myself. I am prepared to be voted off the island, sent home without a rose, and become the weakest link. The last month or...
My husband and I are both “dog people” and grew up with pups, so it was no surprise when we felt the desire to adopt a fur baby of our own shortly after we got married. We were connected...
It was bound to happen. The day my kids got so angry with me and could actually verbalize how they felt. "Mommy, you are being SO mean!!!" {Usually followed up by "I want my Daddy!!!"} Not gonna lie. The first time they...
A few weeks ago I finally took myself to the doctor.  I knew that I was extremely exhausted from dealing with a colicky 6-week-old and taking care of a sick toddler who had Strep, an ear infection, and Hand,...
Dear Preschool, Montessori School, Elementary, Junior High, High School, Classical Model, University Model, Homeschool, and ALL THE SCHOOLS IN ALL THE PLACES... Can we be friends again? Like the best of friends? You know the ones, the ones that talk...
Like many other mommas, I had a good dose of anxiety as my precious firstborn got closer and closer to school age. Both my husband and I went to public schools growing up, and that was just fine, for us....



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