I don’t see them, but I can feel their eyes rolling as I run by, arms up, desperately trying to catch my son before he plummets straight into the playground's abyss--where forgotten legos and puffs of many flavors reside.  I am...
When Problems Overwhelm "Yes, Ma'am, we have your credit card right here. We'll hold onto it until you can come pick it up. When would you like that to be?" Tomorrow, I thought. Tomorrow would be easier, because tonight was full. I...
I'm pretty sure I have never been asked what I do all day as a stay-at-home-mom.  Some nights I even wonder myself just how I spent the hours of the preceding day. My husband definitely steers clear of the question as...
It's pronounced bib·li·o·phil. But I try to make it sound fancier by extending the last "l" for an additional beat.  I've been told it almost works.  She's a lover of books. A connoisseur of odd words. A shameless collector of every Harry Potter...
Many moons ago, Pinterest made its way into the World Wide Web, and moms everywhere started singing the Hallelujah chorus. Pin, pin, and then pin some more. I'm pretty sure I'm one of those people who went pin-crazy from...
You would think after having your body a good 30-ish years, you would know how it works and how to work it.  And just when you think you have it together, your body changes.  And adding a baby or...
Dear 9 pm Momma,  I think of you often in the evening. I wonder how you are doing at the end of your day. What sorts of things you've carried with you today and if your day was similar to...
For as long as I can remember, we've had a television package in our house.  It was a given when we moved - we turned on the electricity, set up the other utilities, and signed up for TV.  But lately, we've...
...But the most important thing about mom is that she loves me. When our most recent foster kiddos came to us, they let it be known that books were a rarity in their house. Being in our home must have...
My six year old daughter is playing softball for the first time this spring, and I'm not even subtle in my enthusiasm about it. Softball was my first love, my childhood "thing", and getting to experience the sport again...



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