A quick inventory of the house lets me know we don't NEED anything but something inside me says I MUST BUY ALL THE THINGS. This can only mean one thing :: Black Friday is right around the corner.  Every...
My golden pig arrived weighing a whopping 13 pounds on a stormy afternoon in the Spring of 2008. He had a full head of dark hair and rolls upon rolls of adorable baby chub. He was predetermined by the...
It's almost that time of year where we get to enjoy our favorite recipes that bring us together with family and friends. I'm sure we all have that favorite Thanksgiving recipe we love or can't live without that gives...
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and we’ve got tons of ideas for crafts to help you celebrate at home. We tried to compile a list of easy craftivities that can be pulled together using materials you probably...
Dear Dr. King, Since you’re not here, I thought I’d give you an update on how your dream is coming along. I am mindful that your dream is not yet real. That our children are still victims of jail cells. Our...
I do not hate toys, and I have no problem buying presents. But I have a problem buying something just for the sake of buying something. What if instead of just stuff to clutter closets and toy boxes, this...
The end of the year is quickly approaching, and with it comes the onslaught of forced cheer and festive anxiety. Of course, I’m talking about the holidays, those celebratory observances that everyone looks forward to…unless, of course, you’re an...
Looking for our 2015 Houston Holiday Event Guide? >>> CLICK HERE. <<< The holiday season is here, and I am oh so very excited! Last year at this time, we had just brought the twins home from the NICU at TCH...
Quiz time :: what is the significance of Cinco de Mayo?  Many people think it is Mexican Independence Day, but it is not - that holiday is September 16!  Go poll some of your friends and co-workers if you...
Ahhhh, spring time in Houston. You have finally arrived! {And so says my allergies, too.} Come and stay awhile, why don't ya? Of course, if you've lived in Houston for any amount of time, you know that spring is a short-lived...



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