If you're in the mood to add a little spice to your grilling routine, this recipe for flank steak dry rub is for you. Great with a simple salad, or make a hearty sandwich with caramelized onions and an...
This recipe for Lemon & Oregano Chicken is a variation of a superb dish I found in Real Simple Magazine for Greek Chicken and Potatoes. That recipe, which roasts a whole chicken with potatoes, broccolini, and red onions on...
This recipe is adapted from one I found on The Food Network. It's hands-down one of the tastiest things I've ever eaten, rich and tangy and simply outstanding. I admit it's one of the more complicated recipes I've tried,...
One of the easiest, and tastiest, ways to use all of Summer's fresh fruit is to put it into a savory salad. The sweetness of the fruit is enhanced by a pinch of salt and your favorite vinegar, and...
Swap out lettuce for roasted eggplant in this simple salad, and you have yourself a robust side dish that is perfect addition to your summer BBQ. For this recipe I used what was in my fridge, but any crunchy...
Summertime is when my basil plants are in their prime. The tiny plant I buried in the Spring has now grown at least 10 times its original size, tempting me to use it in all manor of dishes. I...
This recipe for Salmon Nicoise Salad comes from the New York Times Cooking App (my favorite place for exploring new recipes). Mustard-glazed fish is served on top of mixed greens and roasted vegetables in a tangy dressing with soft-boiled...
If you've lived in Houston for any amount of time, you've quickly learned that you can never be too prepared for natural disasters, and with elevated water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico, forecasters are predicting a very active...
Now more than ever, we are living in a connected world. With connectivity comes communication. And what better way to expand our communication than by learning a new language? I restarted my French studies about 2 years ago (after forgetting...
Summer is the perfect time for my two favorite words—road trip! There are a host of Insta-worthy destinations just a day’s drive from Houston with more to do than you may think. So, grab some snacks, the sunscreen, your...



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