
Read about delicious recipes from Houston Moms Blog!

New Year, New You This time of year, we are bombarded by every gym, every health food store, and every trainer letting us know that it's time for a New Year, New You. It's time to start exercising, eating right,...
It's that time of year again...the pumpkin spice lattes are in full brew, the pumpkin patch pictures are flooding Facebook, and everyone is pulling out their booties and flannels even though it's still ninety degrees in our lovely little...
Whether you're invested in the actual outcome of the game, or just here for the commercials and halftime show, there is one thing we can all agree on - the most important element of any big game day party...
Like Kelly, I too found my home in the classroom, but my six year stint took place within the walls of high schools and with a healthy mix of literature, grammar, and writing.  As a stay at home mom,...
If your family is anything like mine, summer has probably lent itself to lax bedtimes, schedules, and eating habits. While I have thoroughly enjoyed eating ice cream, burgers, and Torchy's Tacos with reckless abandon, I'm not sure my waistline shares...
Food blogs are an excellent resource for busy moms to find great recipes and inspiration to feed their families. Check out our list of many of the best!
January is upon us, ladies, and with it a couple of months of wet cold weather. I don’t know about you all, but in times like this I really enjoy staying indoors, cozy and warm, and enjoying a hot...
I am not much of a Black Friday shopper, but this past year, I made a single impulse purchase the day after Thanksgiving: an Instant Pot. Amazon was selling them for a steal, and the internet was all a'buzz about...
So your kids are about to be out for the summer! Insert all the feels here. I'm part thrilled {no more lunch making duties, praise!} but also part apprehensive because I know soon that I will hear the constant...
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had my fair share of margaritas over the past year. In March 2020, when words like lockdown, virtual learning, and Zoom were becoming commonplace, my family was in San Antonio for spring...



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