When was the last time you got together with a group of girlfriends for a night out, free from the stress and responsibilities of motherhood? The past two years have left us lacking in the area of in-person friendship,...
Are you on the lookout for something more engaging than the usual Lego blocks or Minecraft for your child? Do you want to channel their intellect into something truly stimulating? Look no further! We've got just the thing for...
I used to love Christmas shopping. The carefree days of browsing through stores for just the right find while sipping my white chocolate mocha, admiring Christmas decorations, and listening to holiday music piping through the sound system. However, once...
Life is busy and somehow we are just days away from Mother's Day!  It's OK! We are here to help. There are still a lot of last minute gift options when it comes to treating mom - even if...
Please Note :: This event was made possible by all of our wonderful event sponsors. Thank you to Girls Only – The Secret Comedy of Women® for hosting us and Schwan's Online Grocery Delivery Service who provided the amazing...
This post is brought to you by one of our valued sponsors, Vacay Foods. Memorial Day is quickly approaching, and in my book nothing kicks off Summer like Memorial Day! Soon schools all over will be breaking for summer, kiddos will...
A few nights ago I lay in bed, trying to will myself to sleep and found myself tossing and turning, and then finally kicking off the covers. I realized the reason for my insomnia was I was uncomfortably hot....
Before those who know me in real life call me a liar, let me provide this disclaimer :: I do still wear mascara, blush, and sometimes under-eye concealer, BUT I no longer have to apply heavy foundation creams or...
There are certain realities hitting our radar as children of aging parents. They are entering or already have entered a new season of life. Retirement is either around the corner or has already happened. The desire and sometimes need...
All About Us :: We are Sarah and Jessica, best friends and cousins - working together, playing together, raising kids together.  Our lives are more intertwined than we ever thought they would be...but it works, and we're lucky and we...



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