Your life is made up of tiny little everyday moments. The chores, the precious daily naps, the waffles that have to be made juuuust right every morning. As moms, we often go through our days on auto pilot, not...
When I was a girl, we spent countless hours playing outside. My mom's favorite thing to say was, "If you're not bleeding then you better not come back inside!"  {The 80's were fun, weren't they?!} Anway, one of our...
Can you believe October came and went so fast? I have a feeling I'll be thinking the same thing in a few minutes when it's December! Our last book club meeting was a lot of fun. Thank you to all...
As a life long, self-professed bibliophile, my first love was poetry and to this day, it is poetry that truly speaks to my soul. Over the years I have tried my hand at writing poems but, it's not my...
I am a mom to a first and second grader who, thanks to their incredible public school teachers, have already fallen in love with reading. I stand with students, parents, librarians, classroom teachers and staff who believe our public...
A couple of weeks ago we shared our excitement over the new branches of Regions Bank coming to Houston. {You can catch up on all of those details here if you missed it the first time!} Well, today our...
I have no shame in admitting that I love social media. I have never taken a social media break and have no plans to. Sure, sometimes I feel guilty for the amount of time I spend scrolling Facebook or...
Can I start with a confession? I fully accept that you will judge me and probably roll your eyes or question my competancy. That's fine. After all, I have shared my love of reading with you and emphasized the...
It all started with my need of a bigger reading chair for my daughter's room. She had one of those monogrammed toddler-sized ones from Pottery Barn Kids, and now that she is six, she has completely outgrown it. I...
Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and what better way to get in the mood than by picking up a spicy romance novel?! I'm a longtime romance novel fan. I arguably started way too young, picking up Nora Roberts trade books...



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