
Read about motherhood from Houston Moms Blog!

Nine days before going back to work following the birth of my first son, I pulled an all stop and completely changed our childcare plans for my infant son. Those of you who live in large metropolitan cities like...
“What do you think, buddy?” I pushed the loose strands of hair out of my face, their curls whipping my skin in the salty air and stinging my forehead.  He looked out over the ocean, his own summer-grown mop of...
Immediately after trekking home from school with all of his hiker-biker friends, he dashed into my room. He gave me a "Hi Mom." I looked up from my computer to find my boy standing there. His hair was soaked...
Her name still makes my right eye twitch and the hair on my arms stand at attention. Theresa. Such a foul human being {I’m sure she’s not. Like any rotten antagonist, she likely grew up and married a senator...
The word "intentional" freaks me the heck out. It makes me feel tied to something. It causes me to itch and hyperventilate {just a little}. Honestly, it makes me want to slap it.  It's a trendy word right now, though. Intentional::...
Dear Middle Child … I want you to know that you are loved beyond measure. You are a ray of sunshine and hope…of maturity and practicality…of understanding and acceptance. You my love are one amazing kid. God has big plans...
I've said this before in an introduction paragraph, but I have a really great husband. Yes, sometimes marriage is hard and we need to have hate dates, but all of our fights have been over silly or inconsequential things....
One more minute … To feel the joy of seeing those two pink lines. To feel you kicking inside of me and hold you for the first time. To watch you grow into a funny, cranky, lovable, spunky toddler. To...
Ahhh, a beach holiday, even just to Galveston, is just the thing to put me in a summer vacay kind of mood. It was possibly the least stressful trip we’ve taken as a family so far and I don’t...
Disclaimer::  This post is purely satirical and meant to be a lighthearted look at why and how I am giving up dairy while breastfeeding my son. Finding humor in the inevitable curve-balls that life throws at me as a...



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