Our home feels smaller these days and things that caused very little attention before are now magnified. The volume is now louder with all of my people under one roof all day {and night}. There is more bickering and...
Spring Break is coming. I know, it seems like the kids were just out for winter break. Yet, here we are. It’s fast approaching and if you aren't traveling, you probably don't have a plan in place. Those precious...
We are in the midst of history during this quarantine. Sometimes it is hard to see the historical significance of what is going on in our world, but with something as significant as the COVID-19 quarantine we know that...
August! It's officially time for you to start transitioning from the relaxation of summer to the routines and schedules we know and love. That's right :: It's back-to-school time. And while we have you covered with our Ultimate Back...
STEAM learning has become such an important part of our education system in the last few years. STEAM education is vitally important for our kids and a well-rounded knowledge base, setting them up for a successful life. The acronym...
A Sweet Gesture One of the most touching memories from this past school year was of my son’s fourth grade teacher at our front door, masked and holding a bag containing an end-of-the year gift. The kids had been logging...
  Can we all agree on one thing? It’s sodanghot outside. Heat = sweat = sticky = ughhhh. When we are all feeling that “ugh” during these hot months I like to pull out some of my favorite sensory activities...
Gone for now are the gatherings at the playground and in each other’s home. No more school for big kids or preschool for the littles. In their place are online classrooms and virtual playdates. And both of those have...
The new school year is here, and that means backpacks will be headed home filled with forms, flyers, classwork, and art. It will be your job to determine what to keep, organize and store, and what to recycle.  I will...
My husband is a first-generation Filipino. Since I was pregnant with my daughter, knowing the other half of her heritage has been very important to me. I am extremely cognizant of my daughter reading and seeing others that look...



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