They are referred to as the G3, the boys, and the Vikingos {yes, my mom named them the Vikings in Spanish}. I am the mother to THREE boys, ages 11, 9 and 7. Hear me roar y'all, hear me roar! The...
Do you ever get through part of the year and think, wow that really sucked? Fall was like that for us. We started the season finding out that we were pregnant with our third baby - the highest of highs,...
Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix has taken America by storm. The organization guru hosts the show, and has inspired countless New Year's Resolutions to purge, simplify, and organize. I jumped on the bandwagon and dove into Marie Kondo's...
I am a goal oriented person. I love making lists and thinking about what I want to learn and do. I make notes during workshops, during church, while I'm reading books or even having conversations. If I see or...
I still remember the day I first saw you. You were sprawled out and sleeping on your litter mates with your big, round belly showing. You immediately caught my attention. I had no intention, however, of taking you home...
My husband gave me this homemade "fight box" surprise for Valentine's Day 2018 {containing a nice bottle of Cabernet}. I'm not a big fan of Valentine's Day. Neither is my husband. So the fact that he took the time...
2018 is almost over, y'all! Where did the year go? Time flies when you're having fun! And we sure have had fun with you this year. From celebrating new and expectant mamas at our annual Bloom event, a play...
Today's topic covers what we think are the worst days ever. Our guest, HMB Contributor and author of The Monsters Club, Britany Brownlee discusses her blog post :: Hindsight :: The Importance of Scattered Legos and Coffee Dates. In...
Every year, my people ask me what I want for Christmas. Years ago, I could have rattled off a 10 page list of alllll the things. But then. I became a mom. And I had babies. And now they've...
I was talking to someone recently who had just come back from a skydiving trip. He was describing the exhilaration of it and how glad he was to have tackled something on his Bucket List. I admired his sense...



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