In 2009, I was literally drowning in the waves of infertility {no pun intended, I promise!}, trying to have a baby through numerous fertility treatments, wondering if it was EVER going to happen.  Although I was privileged to be raising...
My weight. It has been a struggle for YEARS. I gained 75 pounds in my first pregnancy in 2003. And from there, with two additional pregnancies and poor eating habits, I have added another 25 pounds on top of that. That...
Most mornings at 6am I roll back the covers, stumble to the bathroom, and change into appropriate attire for a very important meeting by throwing on a sports bra under my pajama shirt and pairing it with the leggings I...
I'm just gonna throw this out there - I am NOT the working out type.  At least not now.  Four years and two babies ago, I was working out at least five days a week and sometimes even twice...
From ergs to burpees to downward-facing dog, I've done it all this past month thanks to my peerFit PASSPORT journey. Since Christmas, I've attended two classes at ROW studies, two classes at Big Yoga, and one class at Gym Bowie...
Oh, fall. You are a fickle thing here in Houston. 90 degrees and 125% humidity doesn't exactly scream the change of seasons. But, according to the calendar, you are here --- and thank goodness! Our amazing city has so...
If you would have asked me six months ago whether or not my kids would be getting a trampoline this holiday season, my emphatic answer would have been "NO!"  Not only was my backyard too small for yet another...
Yoga is not just about getting to a studio 3 days a week to sweat it out in cute spandex. Yoga is a way of life, a holistic perspective. and a way to see the world. It has a...
Raise your hand if a trampoline is topping your child's wishlist this holiday season!    Now, raise your hand if trampolines make you a wee bit nervous after hearing one too many stories about trampoline related injuries!!  If you're feeling...
We at Houston Moms Blog are absolutely thrilled to present our Hop Around Houston Summer Play Date Series! {And by the looks of our Event group on Facebook and the literally thousands of you who have already RSVP'd, I'd say...



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