Self Care + Mental Health

Read HMB Contributor’s stories about their mental health awareness journey.

Post-weaning depression is a not often talked about, but very real mental health condition.  When my fourth son came into the world, I thought I was prepared. I naively thought, “I must have seen it all by now. I’ll be...
I never realized how desperately I needed to be loved by myself. I have held her back for all her life, only allowing her to shine through others. It is enough now. It is finally time to shine for...
The first time that I was aware we had a problem, my beautiful and perfect daughter was two. After beginning a new school, I realized that she spent more than an hour each day standing by her backpack with...
One day, I looked at myself in the mirror and I knew...something had to change. I hadn't been able to see myself for so long, but in that moment I was able to reach in and grab what was...
In 1983 The United States of America designated April as the month to raise awareness of child abuse in our country. Barack Obama continued the tradition in 2016 in a presidential proclamation stating, "During National Child Abuse Prevention Month,...
When I heard I had the opportunity to write about eating disorders I thought YES, hell yes! I know all about you; I see you. This one is personal for me. It is unspoken and silent; it stealthily sneaks into...
As my first year of motherhood is about to wrap up, I find myself reflecting on the most beautiful and productive year I’ve ever had. It was hard, it was eye-opening, and it was renewing. I have and still...
I am a mom and an antique dealer, so it is not surprising that we have old furniture in our house. I adore the antique pieces I have collected while living in Norway, France, and England. With over 20...
Dolly's voice normally signifies the beginning of my holiday season. The Chipmunks, though not as reliable, often have the same affect. I'm a sentimental fool. Christmas just exacerbates that. I'm the chick that ugly cries during Christmas songs. I don't care...
In July, Houston Moms Blog shared the tragic news about one of our Texas mommas who passed away after battling Postpartum Depression. We grieve for this mother and continue to hold her family in our prayers. But one thing...



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