Some days I wonder if my beloved doodle, Bowser, is my soulmate. Cuddler extraordinaire, never tired of my company, and soulful eyes with which he can make piercing and incredibly communicative eye contact. Alas, the lack of non-barking verbal...
As a therapist, woman, mother, and all around human being surviving in this crazy world, I believe that self-care is essential. Self-care helps me to slow things down and relax when things around me are feeling overwhelming and chaotic....
Let’s admit it. People in our life can suck. It shows up in what they say {and don’t say) and their behavior. These people could be family, your partner, co-workers, friends, complete strangers, or dare I say it –...
Those of us who carry around intense fears and worries every day know that anxiety and mental health are not things to make light of. Mental health issues can be seriously debilitating but they can also give us tools...
From ergs to burpees to downward-facing dog, I've done it all this past month thanks to my peerFit PASSPORT journey. Since Christmas, I've attended two classes at ROW studies, two classes at Big Yoga, and one class at Gym Bowie...
It seems like all I talk about anymore is how blasted HOT it is. But seriously, y'all. While we had an amazing spring, summer came in full force and she's not playing around. And if you're anything like me,...
I took my little people to check out one of our sponsors, and y'all - it turned out to be a total gem of a  field.  Check it out :: A breathtaking half-acre farm sits in the middle of Montrose, my...
Modern day motherhood can be stressful. There's a new report out every morning that tells us what we should be doing and what we're doing wrong. The news and social media have become the boss we never knew we'd have...and...
My six-year-old doesn't eat vegetables. He doesn't eat chicken. He doesn't even eat pizza. In fact, he doesn't eat at all. My son G is exclusively tube fed. Due to his medical condition, he is not able to chew or...
The flowers are blooming, the bluebonnet photos are everywhere, and I can’t breathe through my nose. It’s the magical time of year where we can wear shorts {finally!} and my grass is green again, but two days after the...



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