Back to school means back to packing lunches for a lot of Houston moms {I hear you groaning}.  Whether your child is in preschool, elementary or beyond, we all struggle with feeding our kids a healthy lunch and erasing...
I am embarrassed to admit how long it has been since I've worked up a sweat doing more than just carrying groceries in 100 degree heat. Months? Years?? I don't know. Before the twins came on the scene, I...
It's the new year, and almost everyone you know is probably eating better, working out more, or just trying to be healthier.  If you've logged on to social media, it seems like half of what you see is someone...
Shedding for... I'll never forget being the only one out of four women who hadn't been dieting on a beach vacation I took in my early twenties. They all looked amazing- bikini confident after months of counting points for every...
After a quick polling of my friends, it's clear that not many are jumping up and down in excitement just ready to sign up for team snacks. Our culture has made it a necessary evil. But hey, I have...
By now, it's no secret that me and my family are HUGE fans of Springfree Trampoline.   But in case you're totally in the dark, let me catch you up to speed...  First, there was the Springfree grand opening event right here in Houston...
Wear Orange Weekend is June 2-4, and is a time set aside to advocate to end gun violence and to honor survivors.  My oldest is going to elementary school in the fall. That means freshly sharpened pencils. Feeling like a...
Flowers are blooming, allergies are booming, and school is <this close> to being out. Y'all... May is packed full of fun activities, and we highly encourage you to take advantage of our still cooler temps before the real heat...
I tend to put my crockpot away for the summer {mine just broke, so it's perfect timing}, and I try my hardest to turn on the oven as little as possible as temps can get crazy hot here in...
I would never say I had an eating disorder. But for years I weighed myself religiously. I meticulously counted calories and logged them into a website. My workouts were intense. It was always cardio of course: trying to burn...



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