According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more than 5 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with skin cancer each year, which is more than all other cancers combined. Harmful ultraviolet {UV} exposure from the sun causes most skin...
Back to school means back to packing lunches for a lot of Houston moms {I hear you groaning}.  Whether your child is in preschool, elementary or beyond, we all struggle with feeding our kids a healthy lunch and erasing...
What are shingles? A common childhood viral infection is the culprit of shingles in adults. Varicella-zoster (VZV) is the virus that causes chickenpox during a primary infection when we are younger. With the availability of the VZV vaccine, however, most...
We’ve seen the memes. “Post your most outrageous pandemic purchase in the comments!”. I, being a woman of sound mind and restraint, had nothing to post {new tattoos and home gyms don’t count, right?} until a few weeks ago...
As mothers, we try to encourage our children to follow their dreams and interests. We are all about them trying new things. They say they want to be dancers, so we sign them up for dance classes. They fall...
I am the picture perfect mom on paper. Patient, creative, loving, a former teacher, funny, and I stay at home. By all accounts, my children should be perfect too. They have had every opportunity life has offered. Baby classes,...
There are a few essential dishes to a complete Thanksgiving dinner. While for most people the turkey is the centerpiece, chances are someone coming over for dinner might not be a meat eater. {Fact :: 22.8 million Americans follow...
This year, our Houston Moms writers will be giving you first-hand accounts of life behind their Enneagram type. For an introduction to the Enneagram, see this post, and then read on as Joi shares her experience of living as...
By now, it's no secret that me and my family are HUGE fans of Springfree Trampoline.   But in case you're totally in the dark, let me catch you up to speed...  First, there was the Springfree grand opening event right here in Houston...
I am a mom and an antique dealer, so it is not surprising that we have old furniture in our house. I adore the antique pieces I have collected while living in Norway, France, and England. With over 20...



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