My friends and I are always looking for fun and creative ways to have a night out together. Dinner and drinks are great, and obviously welcome anytime, but we also love to look for activities we can do while...
I am the builder in my family. I’m Mrs. Fix-It; a role I take on willingly. Our friends laugh because the garage full of tools are mine that I bought and picked out. I buy the wood. I stain...
Okay Mama. Before reading this post about learning activities, you need to do me a favor. Raise your right hand in the air. Good. Now pat yourself on your back. You did it! You had an awesome summer with your children....
As moms, we are constantly surrounded by precious memories.  The entrance of our children into the world, those first wobbly steps, the beginning of school...  I'm not sure about you, but I'm constantly searching for ways to retain those treasured...
Your life is made up of tiny little everyday moments. The chores, the precious daily naps, the waffles that have to be made juuuust right every morning. As moms, we often go through our days on auto pilot, not...
Tucked in the back of my pantry,  I have a recipe box from my mom's kitchen.  So many signature dishes from my childhood written in her handwriting.  The box with a late 70's floral design that I don't doubt...
Have you heard of bullet journaling? It's a flexible method of organizing your lists and plans that only uses a notebook and pen, and I'm obsessed with it. What is Bullet Journaling? First things first... If this is your first introduction...
{Click image above for more posts in this series!} I love the idea of spring cleaning, although it is a little overwhelming to me. I want my house to be organized, but it is too much to do all at...
My eldest turned 12 years old this year, and she has been asking for a slumber party for as long as I can remember.  This is technically our "no party" rotation year, but I still wanted her to have...
As if back to school season isn’t stressful enough, the Pinterest moms have decided to complicate it that much more. Someone out in the inter webs with more free time than you and me created adorable back to school gifts, and...



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