{Come back every day this week as we bring you "Home Hacks" and our super duper organizational series to get you inspired this summer!} I am not a minimalist.  If you told me ten years ago that one day I would...
The impossible happened! I made the elusive, magical UNICORN SLIME with my daughter and her friend Emily! And we found success on just our second try! {Haha!}  Honestly, of all the blog posts I could dream of writing, I never...
If you are a mom, you have been there. Exhausted, but can’t sleep. So much to do, yet wasting time on the internet. Promising yourself that you will go to bed early tonight, but find yourself staring at summer...
Is sustainable fashion on your radar after Fashion Revolution Week?  Maybe you like new clothes just as much as the next mom?  Either way, a clothing swap is a fantastic way to promote sustainable fashion and get new clothes FOR FREE,...
I've been a patriotic soul since the first time I heard Lee Greenwood singing his classic "Proud To Be An American."  I just may have belted it out and danced with pot lids with my bridesmaids at our wedding...
This Valentine’s Day have your child customize their own shirt to wear to their school’s party. It’s super easy and if you stick to simple shapes, you can do this without purchasing an expensive craft machine to do it....
I love seeing all of the beautiful holiday wreaths at the craft stores but I do not like their price tag at all. Being the self-proclaimed Pinterest Queen that I am, I found that you can make your own...
It's that time of year! Greeting card photo time! Was October crazy busy for anyone else? I'm so happy it's November. Sure, it's holiday shopping season, but I can easily take care of that with a few clicks. November...
My eldest turned 12 years old this year, and she has been asking for a slumber party for as long as I can remember.  This is technically our "no party" rotation year, but I still wanted her to have...
Listen, I understand that teachers don't need gifts for every single holiday {and I'm certainly not "one of those moms"}, but if I can make something fun out of giving them a few items I know they could use,...



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