There are many nights, especially when I feel like I've spent the entire day in the car acting as chauffeur, that dinner is just not easy for me. Sure, I feel like Super Mom when I have my act...
The youngest of my children is 4 years old, and I feel abundantly grateful to have been blessed with three babies in five years. However, I just now feel like I'm coming up for air after drowning in the...
So you found out you're pregnant! Congratulations! However it came to be, pregnancy is a magical time. You form this special connection with the growing baby inside you that nothing else will ever compare to. As I am sure...
Thank you, menstrual cup, for giving me freedom from my past period woes, and helping find new appreciation and connection with my body.
Without fail, every time I get together with my girlfriends, I whine and complain that we don't get to spend time with each other nearly as often as I would like. And, without fail, one of them always says,...
What does the ideal kids' oral hygiene routine look like? We all know that kids need to brush their teeth twice per day, and floss once. But as moms, with so many details to manage, sometimes steps get skipped....
I first heard about snowflake babies two years ago at a dinner party I hosted for a group of young women. Our conversation had drifted to the topic of pregnancy. One woman was pregnant with her third baby, another...
Choose joy. Comparison is the thief of joy. Everything happens for a reason. When you struggle with mental illness, choosing that joy or refraining from the comparisons is not going to change with a simple mantra. You want to choose...
Please Note :: This play date would not have been possible without all of our incredible event sponsors. Thank you to the Houston area Baby Boot Camps for hosting us, thank you to Gluck for the delicious snacks, and a special thanks to...
Last May, our four-year-old fell into a pool while we were at a party at a friend's house. It's one of those situations as a parent that I will never forget and will play in slow motion in my...



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