Whatever you are interested in, need more information on or support with, there’s a Facebook group for that!  “Snyder - Class of 2035” “Heirloom Chrysanthemum Growers” “POBINDS / CSNK2B Parent Support Group” “Mornings with Em Photography VIP Group” These are just a few of...
Autumn is here! Houston's fall is fickle. It arrives, seemingly overnight, with cool temperatures and bright blue skies. It lures us into a false sense of joy, with sweatshirts and pumpkin spice lattes. Then, by late morning, the 90...
No disrespect to Gary Chapman, but he left off the sixth love language: books. I’m not sure where exactly the addiction started. Perhaps it was spending hours with my electronic Mother Goose memorizing fairy tales, or devouring every word ever...
I am a mom to a first and second grader who, thanks to their incredible public school teachers, have already fallen in love with reading. I stand with students, parents, librarians, classroom teachers and staff who believe our public...
You don’t need me to tell you the past two and a half years have been a doozy. Pandemic, political division, parental burnout – we’ve experienced it all. On top of all the many issues we are navigating, there...
The release of Sarah Stewart Holland & Beth Silvers' Now What? How to Move Forward When We're Divided About Basically Everything was perfectly timed. If you follow their podcast Pantsuit Politics like I do, you know that their mission...
Did you resolve this year to read more books? The end of summer is the perfect time to revive your reading goals! Here are some of my favorite reads to get you turning pages. Fiction Fun Ties that Tether by Jane...
My son recently turned 10, and promptly gave me some advice. Now that I had a child in the double digits, maybe it was time I read up on parenting older kids. And yes, this really happened because he’s...
Every family is different and whatever is right for you, is the right thing. That said, if limiting screen time has become a daily battle in your household, can I make one suggestion? Give in. I don’t limit my {young} children's...
Oh, Alexa. The digital assistant I never knew I always wanted. If you had told me ten years ago that I would be alone in my house asking a robot named Alexa for a weather update, I would have...



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