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So how’s it been going taking pics of your kiddos since checking out some of my favorite photo apps?  Getting any better?  Legs hurting from squatting down?  It’s okay.  Sometimes that’s just how it goes.  But if you want...
As my son is {way too} quickly approaching two years old, so are his friends. When he was born, I sought out mom groups, mom friends, followed mom bloggers, and reconnected with friends that had kids his age with...
We love to celebrate our children's lives. As parents, we get to see their wonder and joy as they marvel at what is happening around them. As moms, the beautiful thing about early childhood is we are usually there...
Summer is one of the hardest seasons for a working mom. There's the childcare issue: we have to scramble to figure out what to do with these kids for three months while we go to work as usual, and once...
Our neighbors are moving. From the moment I witnessed their for-sale stake hit the ground, I devised a plan. Part 1 :: Ask hubby to mow the yard. Part 2 :: Remind hubby to mow the yard. Part 3...
Now that the holidays are over and we are beginning a new year, many of us will be making resolutions, goals, intentions, etc for months to come. Maybe you want to lose weight? Stop drinking? Get back to exercising?...
A few months ago, we decided to sell our first home. I thought we were crazy then, making this decision with a six-month-old and an almost three-year-old, and now that we're up to our ears with boxes in the...
You would think after having your body a good 30-ish years, you would know how it works and how to work it.  And just when you think you have it together, your body changes.  And adding a baby or...
A Baby in our Bed When our little boy was born, I wasn't sure how I was going to handle sleeping arrangements in our house, and somehow I ended up sleeping in the living room on the couch while the...
Right now, we are in the middle of our first "mini club" season of volleyball. It's so awesome to watch my girls play. I always tell them, "My favorite sport is the one you are playing." I mean it....



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