I am not a parenting expert, and most certainly not a marriage expert. Both of those arenas in my life have experienced their fair share of peaks and valleys, more often than not, in tandem. Marriage in itself is...
It’s approaching that time of the year. People are hustling and bustling around, buying Christmas gifts, attending holiday parties, checking off to-do lists, and thinking of which family members they don’t want to see. But for some of us,...
Thirty minutes have passed and still no reply. My mind starts to race, looping in an endless circle. They are probably just busy. Or maybe I read the signs wrong. They were just trying to be nice. They didn’t actually...
I love having a nice, relaxing dinner with my husband. No juggling sippy cups, passing out crayons, or hiding away the salt and pepper shakers. Just the two of us. But seriously, when did it start costing so much...
As a single woman, I enjoyed going out on dates. Back then this was an opportunity to find a new hang-out spot, learn more about myself and the type of men I was into, and maybe enjoy a delicious...
I've struggled with my weight for most of my life. And by that, I mean that it has always been something I've had to think about. I can’t eat what I want all the time, because it shows up...
 February always gets me thinking about love. It’s Valentine’s Day month and whether you love, hate, or don’t even celebrate it, it’s the holiday that gets us out of that collective post holiday season slump. Spring Break is around...
Confession :: Even though I LOVE to cook, some nights I just don't feel like it.  I don't want to run to the grocery store, I don't want to make a mess of my kitchen, and I certainly don't...
{For just two weeks, we are handing over our computers to the men in our lives and turning this little piece of the world wide web into Houston Dads Blog!  Read along with their joys and their struggles, and find out why we...
I have been married now for 13.5 years and in that time I have learned a few things. And yes, I want FULL credit for that .5 because six months is still a long time to stay married. I...



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