Self Care + Mental Health

Read HMB Contributor’s stories about their mental health awareness journey.

Ah, self care. It's a hot topic in the mental health world, and has gotten more popular in the mainstream over the past few years. Just search it on Pinterest and you can find tons of suggestions on ways...
By the time my son started his senior year of high school, he was "that" guy. Alex wasn't just regular popular, he lived at the pinnacle of popular. I watched him bloom from the quiet kid we used to...
Look at that fresh faced new mom over there. She looks totally "normal", totally "happy" and not the least bit like she is laying awake at night terrified her baby is dead in his bed. What, too much? Well,...
My Story Everyone experiences stress and anxiety. You can try to prevent it by avoiding triggers, lessen the effects by adopting a positive attitude, or find an outlet for it when it threatens to derail you. The worst thing you...
Depression is a very near and dear subject to my heart. I’ve watched various loved ones struggle day in and day out with deep despair. For some, it means that they’ve taken their lives. Others have attempted, and yet,...
My teenage son started therapy several months ago and it has been really great for him. Initially, it didn't feel so great, though. It felt scary, foreign, and a little bit like failure. As parents, we want to be...
When I was pregnant, I decided early on to remain open-minded on the breastfeeding topic. As a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist and a woman pregnant with twins, I knew that I could deliver early. I knew that I may not...
When I was a little girl, I would often wander around my house looking for my dad. When I couldn’t find him, I knew he was in his closet meditating. I would either wait for him to be done,...
STOP!!!! I angrily barked at my two year old, who was trying to "help" me load the dishwasher. He brought his half empty bowl of oatmeal across the room, leaving a trail of clumpy cereal and milk behind him. The...
  I have been a practicing Licensed Professional Counselor for 11 years. I have treated hundreds of men, women, teens, and couples. I have seen many people have great success in therapy, often with life changing results. And yet one...



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