My Story Everyone experiences stress and anxiety. You can try to prevent it by avoiding triggers, lessen the effects by adopting a positive attitude, or find an outlet for it when it threatens to derail you. The worst thing you...
I love collecting data, especially when it comes to my body. Cycle tracking allows me to collect data on the signs, symptoms, feelings, cravings, pains, and even moods associated with my menstrual cycle using tools powered by technology.  For many...
Sleep. That elusive, fickle, spectacular magic.  Restorative. Sublime. Requirement for your continuous breath {she a diva}.  I think about her, often. Curse her name in the dark. Sacrifice my beauty in an attempt to gain her favor.  She hides. Not under the covers,...
This piece requires a trigger warning for disordered eating and body image issues. I encourage you to continue to read even if this is a continuous struggle for you. My hope is that my story of loving food and...
"Are you crying? Why are you crying??" were the first words I said to my sister when she called to discuss our mom's diagnosis of breast cancer. I had just gotten off the phone with my mom and was...
When I was pregnant, I decided early on to remain open-minded on the breastfeeding topic. As a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist and a woman pregnant with twins, I knew that I could deliver early. I knew that I may not...
Solid food introduction is always one of those early milestones that gets me so excited. We introduced solid foods to our third baby in late October, and even after having gone through this transition three times {and, knock on...
In today's fast-paced world, managing your family's medical records may seem like an overwhelming task. However, taking the time to organize and maintain these records can greatly benefit your family's healthcare journey. From doctor's visits to emergencies, having accessible...
Shortly before COVID hit, an email appeared in my inbox one day. “We’re planning a girls’ trip for a big 4-0 birthday… Who’s in?” I read the email twice and then marked it as unread so I could come back...
Join Houston Moms Blog as we Hop Around Houston with title sponsor NightLight Pediatric Urgent Care!  Next up in our summer play date series... Happy Family!!! Summer is the perfect time to get cooking with your kids and discover yummy {and healthy} foods...



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