Self Care + Mental Health

Read HMB Contributor’s stories about their mental health awareness journey.

Being a first-time mom in my mid-30s has its pros and cons, one of the biggest advantages having been the opportunity to watch many of my friends transition into motherhood before my own turn came. Between these observations, advice...
It’s interesting what your brain does to protect itself in the throes of trauma. It often goes directly into survival mode. When I arrived on the scene of my house burning and I couldn’t find my husband, and the...
One day, I looked at myself in the mirror and I knew...something had to change. I hadn't been able to see myself for so long, but in that moment I was able to reach in and grab what was...
Do any of you remember the pharmaceutical ad with the tagline, “Depression hurts, but you don’t have to”. It was an ad for an antidepressant several years ago. {Could have been five years ago, or even ten. It's 2021...
He would retreat to a dark room and stay for days. He would later emerge with grand plans and be the life of the party. The cycle would repeat until it became too much for those around him. We...
While Houston and the surrounding areas are still under a "Stay Home" order, many of us might be antsy about doctor appointments and checkups. Thankfully our medical community continues to surpass our expectations and has solutions for our medical...
All the way back in January, I first heard the term revenge bedtime procrastination {RBP}. As a mid-pandemic mom of a toddler with additional responsibilities toward a busy medical practice, my husband, and our pup, this concept hit home....
It's January, which means I'm still trying to actually stick to my New Year's resolutions. Come February, all bets are off. But if you made any resolutions with the hope to improve your life (like I did) then you may...
When I was pregnant, I decided early on to remain open-minded on the breastfeeding topic. As a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist and a woman pregnant with twins, I knew that I could deliver early. I knew that I may not...
A few days ago, my virtually educated kindergartner {A} was logging into TEAMS for the librarian’s special read aloud held every Tuesday afternoon. There were already a few kids waiting online unmuted while the teacher was getting her materials...



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